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play advocacy


PSLA works passionately to promote the importance of play for all and champion the UN Convention on the Rights of a Child Article 31.


Article 31 is a promise made by governments to children that they must uphold and facilitate their rights to rest, to play and take part in art and cultural activities.


Play is recognised as an essential part of childhood development. Key skills are practised and refined throughout life but critically important in the early years. Play develops social, physical, intellectual, creative and emotional abilities.


Life’s pressures and lifestyle choices have greatly impacted how children play. For the last 40 years the landscape of play has changed from bush, parks and streets to backyards, living rooms and bedrooms.

PSLA Landscape Architect Nature Play Des


GK Chesterton

PSLA continually strives to educate and advocate for the importance of play in creating sociable, smart, happy and sustainable communities. Children play anywhere and we hold the responsibility to provide opportunities that are accessible and beneficial in terms of play value and healthy development.


Peter currently sits on the SA Branch for Play Australia for South Australia. Play Australia is a national charity that is the Australian representative for the International Play Association. Click here to find out more


The following lists additional events PSLA has undertaken to promote play:

+ SA KIDS article

+ Modern playgrounds are full of flaws (Indaily Article)

+ Back to nature designing the city for play (Sourceable)

+ Progressing the Nature Play Agenda with David Bond, Guest Speaker

+ Nature Play SA Blog, Using Nature to create Environments

+ ABC Radio Evening Show, The importance of play

PSLA Nature Play Design Landscape Architect Adelaide Soth Australia
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PSLA is located in Adelaide, South Australia and services Australia wide and overseas

Images and content of this website is protected by copyright

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